Tree Facts

Timberjack would like to share some very interesting Tree Facts.

  • Trees are the longest living and largest living organisms on Earth.
  • There are more than 23,000 species of trees.
  • Sixty six percent of Ontario is forested.
  • An average tree removes 4-5 kg of pollution from the air and provides enough oxygen for 4 people in one year.
  • Every 1 kg of dried wood stores approximately 1.65 kg of carbon from the atmosphere.
  • Wood is a renewable resource, in that it replenishes within our lifetime.
  • Recycling wood products helps reduce consumption of forest resources.
  • The trees around our homes reduce yearly heating and cooling costs by up to 30%.
  • Tree roots stabilize the soil and prevent erosion.
  • Trees also help purify our water by filtering rain which is taken up by fibrous roots.

Did You know?

Sure you know that frame for houses and wooden decks, tables and chairs are made from wood, but trees also provide us with over 5,000 everyday household items. Some of the items include:

  • Sponges
  • Bubble Gum
  • Hairbrush Handles
  • Ketchup
  • Pancake Syrup
  • Cellophane
  • Ice Cream
  • Eyeglasses Frames
  • Ping Pong Balls
  • Paint
  • Steering Wheels
  • Movies
  • Shoe Polish
  • Hard Hats
  • Rubber Gloves

Recommended Reading About Trees


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